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Waiting for forever《等到永遠》精講之六

[ 2012-03-29 11:05]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009

舊金山漁人碼頭(Fisherman's Wharf)



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Emma: Excuse me. Weren't you Larry Lightning Bolt in Miss Hyderman's first-grade science play?

Joey: What do you know... Rhonda Rain Shower?

Emma: Right?

Joey: That's me.

Emma: Geez.

Joey: Yeah.

Emma: Well, thanks for meeting me here.

Joey: Yeah, sure.

Emma: It's been so long. Look. Um... Joey, I'm afraid I've just been making messes.

Joey: From what I have heard, you've had sort of a, uh... a rough year.

Emma: We... who did... who did you hear that from?

Joey: From Willie.

Emma: Willie. Yeah. Look, that's the reason I called you. I've just been feeling so badly about all the terrible things... that have happened to him because of me. I know that he stayed with you when he was here, so I figured you'd be in touch. I don't even know why he ever even liked me.

Joey: Liked you? This kid was ready to climb inside your aorta. For crying out loud.

Emma: What?

Joey: Uh, never mind. It... it works when Will says it.

Emma: Look. Um, if you talk to him, will you tell him how sorry I am?

Joey: Okay.

Emma: Hey, Jim.

Jimbo: Oh. Uh, Willie sent this. He's in San Francisco. He's performing at the Fisherman's Wharf. He sent it with another letter to me. He didn't know where to send it after your dad died, so... Here you go.

Emma: Thanks.

Jimbo: How's your mom doing?

Emma: She's fine.

Jimbo: Is she?

Emma: Yeah.

Jimbo: Good. Good. Well...

Ema: Thank you.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. geez: 【口】(表示驚奇、憤怒等)哎呀!

2. make messes: 把事情弄得一團糟,也可以說make a mess of it

I messed it up.(我把事情搞糟了。)

3. sort of: 有幾分,有那么點兒,可以這么說

I sort of thought you might say that.(我多少料到你也許會那么說。)

4. rough: 【口】難受的,艱難的

They have been having a rough time recently.(他們近來的日子很不好過。)

5. aorta: 主動脈,大動脈

6. for crying out loud: 哎呀(我的天?。?!拜托!搞什么名堂。

7.never mind: 不要緊,沒關系

Never mind, I'll do it myself.(沒關系,我自己來做。)

8. Fisherman's Wharf: 漁人碼頭,美國舊金山旅游觀光名勝。

舊金山漁人碼頭(Fisherman's Wharf)


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