實現人均國內生產總值到2020年比2000年翻兩番to quadruple the per capita GDP of the year 2000 by 2020
優化結構to optimize the economic structure
提高經濟效益to improve economic returns
降低消耗to reduce consumption of resources
保護環境to protect the environment
生態文明 conservation culture
增長方式 pattern of growth
消費模式 mode of consumption
能源、資源節約型及環保型產業結構 energy- and resource-efficient and environment-friendly structure of industries
可再生能源 renewable energy resources
建設資源節約型、環保型社會 to build a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society
循環經濟 circular economy
生態環境質量 ecological and environmental quality
二氧化硫排放 discharges of sulfur dioxide
停水 suspension of water supplies
收入分配制度 income distribution system
增加轉移支付to increase transfer payments
打破企業壟斷to break business monopolies
創立公平機會to create equal opportunities
扭轉收入差距擴大趨勢to reverse the growing income disparity
公平的收入分配equitable income distribution
絕對貧困 absolute poverty
提高低收入群體的收入to raise the income of low- income groups
社會公平social equity
合理有序的收入分配模式reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution
最低工資 minimum wage
建立企業職工工資正常增長機制 to set up a mechanism of regular pay increases for enterprise employees
財產性收入property income
保護合法收入,調節過高收入,取締非法收入to protect lawful incomes, regulate excessively high incomes and ban illegal gains