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Eat Pray Love《美食,祈禱和戀愛》精講之二

[ 2011-01-12 17:27]     字號 [] [] []  
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David: Cheers.

Liz: Thank you.

David: I owe you an apology. For the walkouts.

Liz: Well, I'm not everyone's cup of tea.

David: I doubt that. I, on the other hand, was shit. Although I was trying very hard.

Liz: "Shit" is a strong word.

David: Thank you.

Liz: You seem shorter in person than on the stage.

David: Really? I hear that a lot.

Liz: Sorry.

David: It's okay.

Liz: It's unnerving when...a total stranger sees you more clearly than you see yourself. That's what I mean by saying you're short. Are you hearing dolphins clapping right now?

David: I took a few liberties with your material. I give you full permission to make fun of me. I know you're dying to.

Liz: You're far too charming to make fun of.

David: I'm still hearing them.

Liz: Is that your guru?

David: You're joking, but, yes, it is.

Liz: She's beautiful.

David: Yeah. A friend told me about her. I was out of work and feeling pretty desperate for something. Not the last time I was out of work, the time before that. And l just had this feeling like I was looking in all the wrong places.

Liz: Looking for what?

David: God. She has an ashram in India. I'm dying to go, but...you know, you have to get, like, three stages of hepatitis shots...and my insurance always runs out. I'll go when the time's right. There's a gathering of her students every morning. If you want, I could take you sometime. If you're not unnerved by 100 crunchy people chanting in Sanskrit.

Liz: I need to be unnerved.

David. A yogi from Yonkers. I didn't exactly fall in love with the guy. What happened was I dove out of my marriage...and into David's arms...exactly the same way a cartoon circus performer...dives off a high platform and into a small cup of water...vanishing completely.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. I owe you an apology:我要向你道歉,我得說聲對不起。

2. walkout: (為表示抗議而突然的)退場,退席,這里指劇院的人因不滿表演提前退場。

此外,walkout還可以表示“罷工”。例如:The staff staged a one-day walkout.(職員突然罷工一天。)

3. cup of tea:喜愛的人或事物。

not someone's cup of tea指的就是“非某人所好,不合某人心意”。

4. unnerving: 使人膽怯的,使人緊張不安的。

例如:She found the whole interview rather unnerving.(她覺得整個面試都讓人氣餒。)

5. take liberties with something: (尤指對書)任意篡改,這里是說“我對你的作品做了少量的發揮”。

take liberties with someone則是指“分親昵,調戲”。

take the liberty常用來指“冒昧地”,比如:May I take the liberty of asking you to read this booklet? (我可以冒昧地請你讀讀這本小冊子嗎?)

6. make fun of: 取笑。

7. be dying for something/to do something:渴望,極想。

例如:I'm dying to be with you again.(我盼望著再次回到你們身邊。)

8. guru:印度教或錫克教的宗教導師或領袖,也可以指“專家;權威;大師”,比如pop guru(大眾領袖)

9. out of work:失業。






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