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Little Fockers《拜見岳父大人3》精講之一

[ 2011-08-03 09:23]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009





Kristen: Okay, you're about five minutes late.

Focker: Yeah, I know.

Kristen: A geica Denslow from the administrative board called. She wants to get a list of the budget cuts. You have a meeting in 20 minutes with John Raider and some drug rep from Pfosten Pharmaceuticals is waiting in your office. Andi something.

Focker: There's a drug rep in there? Okay, look, in three minutes, pop your head in and tell me I have to go to my next meeting. Okay. All right? Sorry, I got to make this really quick. I got a very busy morning.

Andi: I understand, Nurse Focker. I'm Andi Garcia.

Focker: Oh, hi. You have a lot less stubble in person. I'm... There's an actor named Andy Garcia.

Andi: Who?

Focker: Widow's peak. Sort of tough guy.

Andi: I was just kidding. Of course, I know who Andy Garcia is. I get that all the time.

Focker: Yeah. You must get it all the time 'cause you're named Andi Garcia.

Andi: I loved the article you wrote in the AMA Journal, "Putting Patients First."

Focker: You read that?

Andi: I loved it. It was so cool getting a nurse's perspective on the health care crisis.

Focker: Yeah, that was the idea.

Andi: I actually started out as a nurse, myself.

Focker: Really? Oh, well, nowadays, I do less nursing and more...

Andi: Annoying meetings with drug reps you'd rather not deal with?

Kristen: Hey, Greg, it's time for your next meeting.

Focker: That's okay, I'm fine, Kristen. Thank you.

Kristen: Yeah, but he doesn't like to wait. You know how he is, you know.

Focker: Well, it's John Raider?

Kristen: Yeah, he's really picky...

Focker: He always runs late. Always runs late. Thanks.

Andi: You're swamped.

Focker: No, I'm good. You want to have a seat?

Andi: Yeah. Okay. I'll make this quick. So we are launching a killer new product at Pfosten and, while we usually hire doctors to lead our presentations, I have a feeling about you. I think you have the potential to be a medical superstar. And you'd be perfect to represent our new drug, Sustengo.

Focker: Ah. Sustengo. All right. It's an erectile dysfunction medicine.

Andi: It's not just any erectile dysfunction medicine. It's the first ED pill on the market safe for heart patients. Because, in addition to increasing the penile blood flow... See that penis? It acts as a beta blocker to keep the heart rate down during intercourse. I mean, how dope is that?

Focker: That's pretty dope.

Nurse Focker needed in room 220 B, stat. Nurse Focker, room 220 B.

Focker: I'm sorry, hang on one second.

Androvsky: Will you get out of my ass?

Louis: If you would stop squirming around...

Androvsky: But you don't know what you're doing.

Louis: It could have been over, sir.

Focker: Hey, hey, hey, how you doing there, g. Androvsky? Everything okay?

Androvsky: Well, this nurse is a barbarian.

Louis: Okay, I'm not a barbarian. He keeps clenching and I can't make an insertion.

Focker: Louis, it's...

Androvsky: It's a natural response to protect that cavity.

Focker: You're right, it is a natural response. I would protect my cavity, too. And we just got to do it a little bit gentler.

Andi: May I suggest something? Sir, why don't you extend your left leg and put your right knee right up to your chest. It'll help relax things down there.

Focker: She's right. You just do that and you just grab the side of the bed there, like that, and exhale... There you go.

Andi: Nurse, did you sufficiently lubricate the nozzle?

Louis: I did do that.

Andi: Great.

Focker: Good, good, okay. You got this?

Andi: Yep.

Focker: All right. Take a nice deep breath.

Andi: And focus on relaxing your anus.

Focker: Right. That's right. You just want to let it dilate, sort of like a flower opening up.

Andi: Blossoming lotus.

Focker: Sort of like a desert cactus.

Andi: Maturing.

Focker: It's okay. Just a little, friendly visitor just saying hello.

Andi: All right, I'm just gonna stick it in a little further.

Focker: Good smooth insertion.

Andi: Thank you.

Focker: I'm gonna release the clamp. And let it flow.

Androvsky: Better.

Andi: How's that?

Focker: That was great. Nice technique.

Andi: That was so fun.

Focker: Yeah, yeah. I was thinking about it and, honestly, I just don't have time to moonlight pitching a drug right now.

Andi: Shot down.

Focker: No, it's not you. It's just...

Andi: No, I get it, you know. Running nursing in med-surge is a big job.

Focker: Yeah, yeah, so big, I'm making less than I did when I was in the ER.

Andi: Look, we are sponsoring a convention at the Hilton. You can make tons of dough for, like, one speech. Think about it.

Focker: Okay. I will, I'll think about it. Okay.

Andi: Knuckles?

Focker: Knuckles.

Andi: That was bad-ass, by the way.

Focker: Yeah. Literally.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. drug rep: 醫藥代表,rep是representative的縮寫,類似說法還有sales representative(推銷員,銷售代表)

2. pop in: 偶然(或突然)來訪,突然出現。

例如:She often pops in for coffee.(她常來喝杯咖啡。)

3. stubble: 胡子茬

生活中,有很多人因追求流行而蓄留designer stubble(小胡子)

4. Widow's peak:額頭的V型發尖

5. picky: 挑剔的;難伺候的

例如:The housekeeper is a very picky woman.(這個家庭主婦是位特別愛挑剔的人。)

6. swamped:忙得不可開交

7. killer: 令人激動的事物;精彩的事物

8. barbarian: 粗魯無禮的人,野蠻人

9. moonlight: (暗中)兼職,從事第二職業

例句:To supplement his regular teaching salary, Mason moonlights as a night watchman. (為了填補教書所賺的錢,邁耶斯還兼巡夜的差使。)

10.shot down:這里的意思是“我被拒絕啦”

11.dough: 美國俚語,錢,金錢

12.knuckles: 原意指關節,這里意思是“擊拳為誓”



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