This was a stark contrast to the 1960s, which ushered in a more much gaunt figure popularised by supermodels such as Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton.
這類型的完美身材與20世紀60年代的大相徑庭。60年代骨瘦如柴的超模成為時尚標桿,例如崔姬(Twiggy)和簡?詩琳普頓(Jean Shrimpton)。
Dresses shrunk to suit the favoured petite frame and women craved smaller busts and tinier hips.
Many women embarked on diets to fulfill their goals and Weight Watchers was founded - and welcomed - in 1963.
許多女性為了擁有這樣的身材開始節食。1963年減肥者協會(Weight Watchers)成立并深受大眾歡迎。
Back came the curves in 1970 - the era of the long, lean dancing queen.
Farrah Fawcett was the poster girl of this decade and waspish frames were on their way out.
法拉?福賽特(Farrah Fawcett)是那十年里紅極一時的海報女郎,腰細的苗條的身材成為了過去式。